R Ramble
Ramble 2009
17th Annual Fly & Camp Trip * Dip a toe in Both Oceans ! * Part I - July
4th to July 24th, 2009 Part II - August 29th to Sept.12th, 2009 Site Under
CONSTRUCTION - Click HERE to download the Ramble Flyer
![]() ** We regret to announce that Part I has been CANCELLED - due to the economy ! ** ** Sorry, Part II - ALSO CANCELLED - a few Ramblers from previous years might head East on their own, but there will be no formal Ramble East . Check the Ramble email list. ** There just has not been enough interest - guess we will move the whole thing to next year ! Come & Fly with us - EVERYONE WELCOME ! (Especially owners & lovers of the Murphy Rebel) These fun flying trips are much like LIFE - the object is NOT "to get to the end", it's "TO ENJOY THE TRIP" !!
don't always get to the place we expected , but we DO
see interesting places, Suggestions welcome - navigation by consensus !! Fly along for just a day, or 2, or the whole trip !
Suggestions welcome - navigation by consensus !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please register for the Ramble NOW ! Send $20 cash and we'll add you to the special Rebel Ramble mailing lists. .. You will be kept up to date, and it will help us with planning ! ........ THANKS ! Bob & Anna Patterson (905) 457-5238 Ontario Factory Rep. - Murphy Aircraft Mfg. Ltd. 22 Baronwood Court, Brampton, Ont. L6V 3H6